Viewing Stream Data#

At a high level, there are two options available when you are ready to retrieve the time series data in a stream. You may view the values directly by timestamp or you can view a window of data at a resolution of your choice. When viewing by window, there are further options available with different arguments and related performance benefits.

View Individual Data Points#

To view the values directly, call the Stream.values method which will fully materialize the stream values at the stream version you specify (use the default value of zero as the latest version). A start and end argument is required when making this request.

Calling Stream.values will return a series of tuple, with each item containing a RawPoint, and version of the stream (int). As described in the API reference, a RawPoint has both a time and value property.

start = 1500000000000000000
end = 1547241923338098176

for point, _ in stream.values(start=start, end=end, version=133):
>> RawPoint(1500000000000000000, 2.35)
>> RawPoint(1500000000100000000, 2.41)
>> RawPoint(1500000000200000000, 2.8)
>> RawPoint(1500000000300000000, 3.66)

Helpers for Dates/Times#

If you are interested in finding the closest point to a particular datetime, there is the Stream.nearest method. Alternatively, if you want to know the first or last points in a stream, you can call the Stream.earliest and Stream.latest methods. These two are often useful if you would like to view all of the data within the stream using the method below (it is not recommended that you query for all the data using the Stream.values method due to the memory consumption implied). Each of these three methods returns a tuple containing a RawPoint and the data version number. The exact timestamp can be obtained from the RawPoint. Keep in mind that all of these methods accept a version argument so that you can ask for the earliest, latest, or nearest point from a previous version of the stream.

stream = db.stream_from_uuid("6f8ebaf0-78ea-416e-a0ff-5c3c5d83c279")
>> (RawPoint(1364860800000000000, 42516.03), 3934)
>> 1364860800000000000

View Windows of Data#

If you don’t need to view every single point of data, then it is faster to view higher order representations of the data. BTrDB stores data in a tree structure such that the leaves of the tree contain actual values and higher nodes store statistical data (min, max, mean, etc.) summaries. In this schema viewing summaries of data involves reading from higher levels of the tree and therefore less nodes need to be read from disk.

This use case of wanting a high level summary of data is quite common. For example, when rendering the plot of a time series it will often be useful to present a view at the resolution of one hour, one day, or perhaps one year. With samples that occur at greater than 1Hz this requires you to summarize the values and plot the average (or min, max, etc.) values rather than each individual value.

Because BTrDB is usually providing summaries of data when windowing, it returns instances of StatPoint rather than RawPoint. A StatPoint contains statistical information about a range of time and specifically provides properties for min, mean, max, count, stddev, and the start time for which the statistical summaries cover.

For statistical aggregates of your data, the Stream.aligned_windows method is the fastest way to query your data. Each point returned is a statistical aggregate of all the raw data within a window of width 2^pointwidth nanoseconds.

Note that start is inclusive, but end is exclusive. That is, results will be returned for all windows that start in the interval \([start, end)\). If end < start+2^pointwidth you will not get any results. If start and end are not powers of two, the bottom pointwidth bits will be cleared. Each window will contain statistical summaries of the window. Statistical points with count == 0 will be omitted.

start = 1500000000000000000
end = 1500000001000000000

# view underlying data for comparison
for point, _ in stream.values(start=start, end=end):
>> RawPoint(1500000000000000000, 1.0)
>> RawPoint(1500000000100000000, 2.0)
>> RawPoint(1500000000200000000, 3.0)
>> RawPoint(1500000000300000000, 4.0)
>> RawPoint(1500000000400000000, 5.0)
>> RawPoint(1500000000500000000, 6.0)
>> RawPoint(1500000000600000000, 7.0)
>> RawPoint(1500000000700000000, 8.0)
>> RawPoint(1500000000800000000, 9.0)
>> RawPoint(1500000000900000000, 10.0)

# aggregate over 2^28 nanoseconds (268,435,456)
pointwidth = 28

# view data aggregates
for point, _ in stream.aligned_windows(start=start, end=end,
>> StatPoint(1499999999814008832, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1, 0.0)
>> StatPoint(1500000000082444288, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 3, 0.816496580927726)
>> StatPoint(1500000000350879744, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 3, 0.816496580927726)
>> StatPoint(1500000000619315200, 8.0, 8.5, 9.0, 2, 0.5)

The method of a Stream allows you to request windows of data while specifying the precision of the data you require. Each window will cover width nanoseconds in length. Precision of the result is determined by the depth parameter such that each window will be accurate to 2^depth nanoseconds.

Using a larger depth value will result in faster query execution from the database. For instance, if you are viewing a 24 hours of data you may only require a precision of +/- 1 second and so a depth of 30 may be appropriate. A chart of sample depths are provided below.



Precision in Nanoseconds





1 nanosecond




~1 microsecond




~1 millesecond




~1 second

As usual when querying data from BTrDB, the start time is inclusive while the end time is exclusive. Note: that if your last window spans across the end time then it will not be included in the results.

>>> start = 1500000000000000000
>>> end = 1500000001000000000

>>> # view underlying data for comparison
>>> for point, _ in stream.values(start=start, end=end):
>>>     print(point)
RawPoint(1500000000000000000, 1.0)
RawPoint(1500000000100000000, 2.0)
RawPoint(1500000000200000000, 3.0)
RawPoint(1500000000300000000, 4.0)
RawPoint(1500000000400000000, 5.0)
RawPoint(1500000000500000000, 6.0)
RawPoint(1500000000600000000, 7.0)
RawPoint(1500000000700000000, 8.0)
RawPoint(1500000000800000000, 9.0)
RawPoint(1500000000900000000, 10.0)

>>> # each window spans 300 milliseconds
>>> width = 300000000

>>> # request a precision of roughly 1 millisecond
>>> depth = 20

>>> # view windowed data
>>> for point, _ in, end=end,
...                               width=width, depth=depth):
 StatPoint(1500000000000000000, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3, 0.816496580927726)
 StatPoint(1500000000300000000, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 3, 0.816496580927726)
 StatPoint(1500000000600000000, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 3, 0.816496580927726)