Quick Start#

Connecting to a server#

Connecting to a server is easy with the supplied connect function from the btrdb package.

>>> import btrdb
>>> # connect with API key
>>> conn = btrdb.connect("", apikey="123456789123456789")
>>> conn
<btrdb.conn.BTrDB at 0x...>

Get Platform Information#

>>> conn.info()
{'majorVersion': ...,
 'minorVersion': ...,
 'build': ...,
 'proxy': {...}}

Refer to the connection API documentation page.

Retrieving a Stream#

In order to interact with data, you’ll need to obtain or create a Stream object. A number of options are available to get existing streams.

Find streams by collection#

Multiple streams are often organized under a single collection which is similar to the concept of a directory path. To search for all streams under a given collection you can use the streams_in_collection method.

>>> streams = conn.streams_in_collection("USEAST_NOC1/90807")
>>> for stream in streams:
>>>     print(stream.uuid, stream.name)

Find stream by UUID#

A method has also been provided if you already know the UUID of a single stream you would like to retrieve. For convenience, this method accepts instances of either str or UUID.

>>> stream = conn.stream_from_uuid("07d28a44-4991-492d-b9c5-2d8cec5aa6d4")

Viewing a Stream’s Data#

To view data within a stream, you’ll need to specify a time range to query for as well as a version number (defaults to latest version). Remember that BTrDB stores data to the nanosecond and so Unix timestamps will need to be converted if needed.

>>> start = datetime(2018,1,1,12,30, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
>>> start = start.timestamp() * 1e9
>>> end = start + (3600 * 1e9)

>>> for point, _ in stream.values(start, end):
>>>   print(point.time, point.value)

Some convenience functions are available to make it easier to deal with converting to nanoseconds.

>>> from btrdb.utils.timez import to_nanoseconds, currently_as_ns

>>> start = to_nanoseconds(datetime(2018,1,1, tzinfo=timezone.utc))
>>> end = currently_as_ns()

>>> for point, _ in stream.values(start, end):
>>>   print(point.time, point.value)

You can also view windows of data at arbitrary levels of detail. One such windowing feature is shown below.

>>> # query for windows of data 10,000 nanoseconds wide using a depth of zero
>>> # which is accurate to the nanosecond.
>>> params = {
...     "start": 1500000000000000000,
...     "end": 1500000000010000000,
...     "width": 2000000,
...     "depth": 0,
... }
>>> for window in stream.windows(**params):
>>>     for point, version in window:
>>>         print(point, version)

Return data as arrow tables#

Instead of returning data a RawPoint at a time, which can be more computationally intensive, there is now the ability to return the data in a tabular format from the start, which can drastically save on run time as well as facilitate interoperability with many more data-science driven tools. Apache Arrow is a language agnostic columnar data schema that has become a defacto standard for in-memory data analytics. All data retrieval methods in BTrDB now have corresponding arrow- prepended methods that natively return pyarrow data tables.

>>> s.arrow_values(start=1500000000000000000, end=1500000002000000001).to_pandas()
                                  time  value
    0        2017-07-14 02:40:00+00:00    1.0
    1 2017-07-14 02:40:00.100000+00:00    2.0
    2 2017-07-14 02:40:00.200000+00:00    3.0
    3 2017-07-14 02:40:00.300000+00:00    4.0
    4 2017-07-14 02:40:00.400000+00:00    5.0
    5 2017-07-14 02:40:00.500000+00:00    6.0
    6 2017-07-14 02:40:00.600000+00:00    7.0
    7 2017-07-14 02:40:00.700000+00:00    8.0
    8 2017-07-14 02:40:00.800000+00:00    9.0
    9 2017-07-14 02:40:00.900000+00:00   10.0

Using StreamSets#

A StreamSet is a wrapper around a list of Stream objects with a number of convenience methods available. Future updates will allow you to query for streams using a SQL-like syntax but for now you will need to provide a list of UUIDs.

The StreamSet allows you to interact with a group of streams rather than at the level of the individual Stream object. Aside from being useful to see concurrent data across streams, you can also easily transform the data to other data structures or even serialize the data to disk in one operation.

Some quick examples are shown below but please review the API docs for the full list of features.


In the following examples, notice that the end time is not inclusive of the data that is present at end . start is inclusive while end is exclusive. This is the case for all BTrDB data query operations.

\[[start, end)\]
>>> streams = db.streams(*uuid_list)

>>> # serialize data to disk as CSV
>>> streams.filter(start=1500000000000000000, end=1500000000900000000).to_csv("data.csv")

>>> # convert data to a pandas DataFrame
>>> streams.filter(start=1500000000000000000, end=1500000000900000000).to_dataframe()
                     nw/stream0  nw/stream1
1500000000000000000         nan         1.0
1500000000100000000         2.0         nan
1500000000200000000         nan         3.0
1500000000300000000         4.0         nan
1500000000400000000         nan         5.0
1500000000500000000         6.0         nan
1500000000600000000         nan         7.0
1500000000700000000         8.0         nan
1500000000800000000         nan         9.0

>>> # materialize the streams' data
>>> streams.filter(start=1500000000000000000,  end=1500000000900000000).values()
[[RawPoint(1500000000100000000, 2.0),
    RawPoint(1500000000300000000, 4.0),
    RawPoint(1500000000500000000, 6.0),
    RawPoint(1500000000700000000, 8.0),
    RawPoint(1500000000900000000, 10.0)],
   [RawPoint(1500000000000000000, 1.0),
    RawPoint(1500000000200000000, 3.0),
    RawPoint(1500000000400000000, 5.0),

Return data as arrow tables#

StreamSets are also able to return arrow tables for the group of streams they represent. This is especially convenient and is usually much faster than using the traditional RawPoint -based data representation. We recommend using the arrow functions whenever possible.

>>> # convert data to a pandas DataFrame, using pyarrow
>>> streams.filter(start=1500000000000000000, end=1500000000900000000)
...        .arrow_to_dataframe()
                                  NW/stream0  NW/stream1
2017-07-14 02:40:00+00:00                NaN         1.0
2017-07-14 02:40:00.100000+00:00         2.0         NaN
2017-07-14 02:40:00.200000+00:00         NaN         3.0
2017-07-14 02:40:00.300000+00:00         4.0         NaN
2017-07-14 02:40:00.400000+00:00         NaN         5.0
2017-07-14 02:40:00.500000+00:00         6.0         NaN
2017-07-14 02:40:00.600000+00:00         NaN         7.0
2017-07-14 02:40:00.700000+00:00         8.0         NaN
2017-07-14 02:40:00.800000+00:00         NaN         9.0

>>> # materialize the streams' data as an arrow table
>>> streams.filter(start=1500000000000000000, end=1500000000900000000).arrow_values()
    time: timestamp[ns, tz=UTC] not null
    b29204f4-6c13-4ec7-a149-88e2ff950a72: double not null
    99a0d0b0-e24f-4875-b7d8-eae0036f2149: double not null
    time: [
    ... [2017-07-14 02:40:00.000000000Z,2017-07-14 02:40:00.100000000Z,
    ... 2017-07-14 02:40:00.200000000Z,2017-07-14 02:40:00.300000000Z,
    ... 2017-07-14 02:40:00.400000000Z,2017-07-14 02:40:00.500000000Z,
    ... 2017-07-14 02:40:00.600000000Z,2017-07-14 02:40:00.700000000Z,
    ... 2017-07-14 02:40:00.800000000Z]]
    b29204f4-6c13-4ec7-a149-88e2ff950a72: [[nan,2,nan,4,nan,6,nan,8,nan]]
    99a0d0b0-e24f-4875-b7d8-eae0036f2149: [[1,nan,3,nan,5,nan,7,nan,9]]