
exception btrdb.exceptions.BTrDBError#

The primary exception for BTrDB errors.

exception btrdb.exceptions.ConnectionError#

Raised when an error occurrs while trying to establish a connection with BTrDB.

exception btrdb.exceptions.StreamNotFoundError#

Raised when attempting to perform an operation on a stream that does not exist in the specified BTrDB allocation.

exception btrdb.exceptions.CredentialsFileNotFound#

Raised when a credentials file could not be found.

exception btrdb.exceptions.ProfileNotFound#

Raised when a requested profile could not be found in the credentials file.

exception btrdb.exceptions.BTRDBServerError#

Raised when an error occurs with btrdb-server.

exception btrdb.exceptions.BTRDBTypeError#

Raised when attempting to perform an operation with an invalid type.

exception btrdb.exceptions.InvalidOperation#

Raised when an invalid BTrDB operation has been requested.

exception btrdb.exceptions.StreamExists#

Raised when create() has been attempted and the uuid already exists.

exception btrdb.exceptions.AmbiguousStream#

Raised when create() has been attempted and uuid is different, but collection and tags already exist

exception btrdb.exceptions.PermissionDenied#

Raised when user does not have permission to perform an operation.

exception btrdb.exceptions.BTRDBValueError#

Raised when an invalid value has been passed to a BTrDB operation.

exception btrdb.exceptions.InvalidCollection#

Raised when a collection name is invalid. It is either too long or not a valid string.

exception btrdb.exceptions.InvalidTagKey#

Raised when a tag key is invalid. Must be one of (“name”, “unit”, “ingress”, “distiller”).

exception btrdb.exceptions.InvalidTagValue#

Raised when a tag value is invalid. It is either too long or not a valid string.

exception btrdb.exceptions.InvalidTimeRange#

Raised when insert data contains a timestamp outside the range of (btrdb.MINIMUM_TIME, btrdb.MAXIMUM_TIME)

exception btrdb.exceptions.InvalidPointWidth#

Raised when attempting to use a pointwidth that is not a whole number between 0 and 64 (exclusive).

exception btrdb.exceptions.BadValue#

Raised when attempting to insert data that contains non-float values such as None.

exception btrdb.exceptions.RecycledUUID#

Raised when attempting to create a stream with a uuid that matches a previously deleted stream.

exception btrdb.exceptions.BadSQLValue#

Raised when invalid parameters have been passed to metadata db.

exception btrdb.exceptions.VersionNotAvailable#

Raised when querying a stream at a pruned or otherwise invalid version number.

exception btrdb.exceptions.NoSuchPoint#

Raised when asking for next/previous point and there isn’t one.