Working with Ray ================================ To use BTrDB connection, stream and streamsets objects in the parallelization library ray, a special serializer is required. BTrDB provides a utility function that register the serializer with ray. An example is shown below. Setting up the ray serializer ----------------------------- .. code-block:: python import btrdb import ray from btrdb.utils.ray import register_serializer uuids = ["b19592fc-fb71-4f61-9d49-8646d4b1c2a1", "07b2cff3-e957-4fa9-b1b3-e14d5afb1e63"] ray.init() conn_params = {"profile": "profile_name"} # register serializer with the connection parameters register_serializer(**conn_params) conn = btrdb.connect(**conn_params) # BTrDB connection object can be passed as an argument # to a ray remote function @ray.remote def test_btrdb(conn): print( # Stream object can be passed as an argument # to a ray remote function @ray.remote def test_stream(stream): print(stream.earliest()) # StreamSet object can be passed as an argument # to a ray remote function @ray.remote def test_streamset(streamset): print(streamset.earliest()) print(streamset) ids = [test_btrdb.remote(conn), test_stream.remote(conn.stream_from_uuid(uuids[0])), test_streamset.remote(conn.streams(*uuids))] ray.get(ids) # output of test_btrdb >>(pid=28479) {'majorVersion': 5, 'build': '5.10.5', 'proxy': {'proxyEndpoints': []}} # output of test_stream >>(pid=28482) (RawPoint(1533210100000000000, 0.0), 0) # output of test_streamset >>(pid=28481) (RawPoint(1533210100000000000, 0.0), RawPoint(1533210100000000000, 0.0)) >>(pid=28481) StreamSet with 2 streams