.. _changelog: Changelog ========= 5.32.0 ------ What's Changed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Initial docstring overhaul and a new test for better documentation and test coverage. by @JustinGilmer in `#82 `_ - Test new join logic for improved data loading for windowed queries. by @JustinGilmer in `#80 `_ - Improve :code:`arrow_to_dataframe` function for handling large amounts of columns, enhancing performance and usability. by @Jefflinf in `#73 `_ - Expand testing to include Python 3.11, ensuring compatibility and stability. by @JustinGilmer in `#74 `_ - Update exception handling to better support :code:`RpcErrors`, improving error management and debugging. by @JustinGilmer in `#72 `_ - Introduce an option for specifying the schema of the returned raw data, allowing for more flexibility in data handling. by @andrewchambers in `#51 `_ - Remove non-required dependencies and migrate to 'data' optional dependency for a lighter package and easier installation. by @JustinGilmer in `#71 `_ - New method to get first and last timestamps from ``aligned_windows``, enhancing data analysis capabilities. by @Jefflinf in `#70 `_ - Add ``to_timedelta`` method for ``pointwidth`` class, providing more options for time-based data manipulation. by @Jefflinf in `#69 `_ Fixed ^^^^^ - Fix ``NoneType`` error for ``earliest/latest`` for empty streams, ensuring reliability and error handling. by @Jefflinf in `#64 `_ - Correct integration tests where the time column is not automatically set as the index, improving test accuracy and reliability. by @JustinGilmer in `#56 `_ Deprecated ^^^^^^^^^^ - FutureWarning for ``streams_in_collection`` to return ``StreamSet`` in the future, preparing users for upcoming API changes. by @Jefflinf in `#60 `_ **Full Changelog**: `GitHub compare view `_ 5.31.0 ------ What's Changed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Have release script update pyproject.toml file by @youngale-pingthings in https://github.com/PingThingsIO/btrdb-python/pull/48 * Provide option to sort the arrow tables by @justinGilmer in https://github.com/PingThingsIO/btrdb-python/pull/47 * Remove 4MB limit for gRPC message payloads by @justinGilmer in https://github.com/PingThingsIO/btrdb-python/pull/49 * Update documentation for arrow methods by @justinGilmer in https://github.com/PingThingsIO/btrdb-python/pull/50 * Update from staging by @justinGilmer in https://github.com/PingThingsIO/btrdb-python/pull/54 * Sort tables by time by default for any ``pyarrow`` tables. by @justinGilmer in * Fix deprecation warnings for pip installations. by @jleifnf in **Full Changelog**: `GitHub compare view `_ 5.30.2 ------ What’s Changed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Update readthedocs to new yaml for testing. by @justinGilmer in https://github.com/PingThingsIO/btrdb-python/pull/40 - Converting pandas index takes very long, fix this in arrow_table. by @justinGilmer in https://github.com/PingThingsIO/btrdb-python/pull/41 **Full Changelog**: `5.30.2 `_ .. _section-1: 5.30.1 ------ .. _whats-changed-1: What’s Changed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Small version bump for pypi release **Full Changelog**: `5.30.1 `_ .. _section-2: 5.30.0 ------ .. _whats-changed-2: What’s Changed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Merge Arrow support into Main for Release by @youngale-pingthings in https://github.com/PingThingsIO/btrdb-python/pull/37 - This PR contains many changes that support the commercial Arrow data fetches and inserts - ``arrow_`` prefixed methods for ``Stream`` Objects: - ``insert, aligned_windows, windows, values`` - ``arrow_`` prefixed methods for StreamSet\` objects: - ``insert, values, to_dataframe, to_polars, to_arrow_table, to_numpy, to_dict, to_series`` - Justin gilmer patch 1 by @justinGilmer in https://github.com/PingThingsIO/btrdb-python/pull/39 **Full Changelog**: `5.30.0 `_ .. _section-3: 5.28.1 ------ .. _whats-changed-3: What’s Changed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Upgrade ray versions by @jleifnf in https://github.com/PingThingsIO/btrdb-python/pull/15 - Release v5.28.1 and Update Python by @youngale-pingthings in https://github.com/PingThingsIO/btrdb-python/pull/17 New Contributors ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - @jleifnf made their first contribution in https://github.com/PingThingsIO/btrdb-python/pull/15 **Full Changelog**: `5.28.1 `_